G suite tips to save your time. This article will discuss how we can increase productivity and save time with simple shortcuts while using Google’s services. So for that, we have listed some of the G suite tips to save your time.
Are You Still, switching to your calendar tab? G Suite tips for Google Calendar.
G Suite tips for Google Calendar. Whenever you receive an invitation in Gmail, You can either make use of the side panel to organize new Google Calendar Events. Or else you can open the side panel and click on the calendar icon to view if you have any contrary meetings on the same day. Looking for Email alternative to Microsoft Outlook?
No matter wherever you are you can add ideas to your Presentation
Presentation G Suite Tips: Drag and drop notes from Google Keep to any slide, sheet, or doc. For that, you need to open the side panel and click the Google Keep icon. Hence with Google Keep, you will never forget the ideas you had when you were travelling.
Simpler questions in search instead of formulas
Now, in Google Sheets, instead of using a hard formula, you can genuinely search for respective formulas, genuinely in human words. To get your answers quickly, you are required to click ‘Explore’ in the bottom navigation bar and type up your relevant or corresponding question.
G Suite Tips: Engage your Presentation’s audience with Q&A sessions
Are you tired of looking at annoying faces during the Presentation? A simple solution for it is to engage your Presentation’s audience with Q&A sessions. To do so just before starting a presentation, click ‘Start a Q&A.’ Google then will display a URL on top of your Presentation for people to visit that link and submit their questions or queries.
Easily translate your documents
You can easily take advantage of Google Translate in the Google Docs. For that, you need to proceed to ‘Tools’ > ‘Translate document’ and choose the proper name for the document.
Send images in high quality
G Suite Tips, How to send images with high quality? If you send pictures embedded in Google Doc, the design team may not be impressed as it loses its quality during compression. So to resolve this, you need to move to ‘File’ > ‘Download as’ > then ‘Web Page.’ A folder will be downloaded, which contains the original quality image. Read More, Compress Website Content Using cPanel.
Version History Panel to the rescue
If a document is shared with several people, keeping track of what, what, and why changed is a cumbersome task. That’s where the named revisions come in the scenario. You can find the version history panel on the right, click the menu button, and then “Name this revision.”
Voice typing for seamless and hands-free typing
G Suite Tips for voice typing: Access voice dictation within Google Docs. Navigate to ‘Tools’ and then select ‘Voice typing.’ However, you need to give microphone access to your browser. Next, you can record your sweet voice by pressing the record button. Additionally, several voice shortcuts are present that can be used to remove or add punctuation to your document.
Comments from a doc now recoverable
You can now view the full history of comments for a doc. To do so, click on the comments icon placed next to ‘Share’ on the top menu bar.
Restart tabs without losing list
If several open tabs in chrome are slowing down your PC, you might want to close your but fear to lose your past hour work. Then don’t worry, go to the address bar and type in: chrome://restart then click enter. Thank me later for this pro G suite tip. Read, Slow website Identify by Google Chrome.
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